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Last week as my mother and I were talking, she shows me a letter that had just arrived from the hospital! I didn't even look at the letter! Background: last year Mum had gone to the Dr's and ended up having to go to the hospital for a scan. The results came back as her having fibroids. So the letter that arrived last week was for a inspection via camera to look closer at the fibroid. Now when that letter came, I asked her a question "do you believe that when you go to the hospital, they are not going to find the fibroid?" She said she would have to see it to believe it first. I gave her a little run down on faith, then told her that when she goes, they will NOT find the fibroid, it will be gone! WELL! Today was the day she had to go for the inspection. Mum called me after her appointment saying "do you remember what you said about when I go to the hospital? Well they couldn't find it, it was gone!" (COMMMEEE ON JESUS!) She went on further to tell me how the dialogue went between her and the Dr!
Dr: The fibroid isn't there!
Mum: well my daughter told me it wouldn't be there
Dr: How did she know?
Mum: well she is a healer!
Dr: you mean she heals people?
Mum: well God through her!
Mum went on to testify of how the Lord had healed her prior to this time, (see Thursday 22nd May 08) to which the Dr replies "Praise the Lord!"Dr Who? The Grand Physician that's who!!!
***I just want to encourage you, that family members can be impacted by merely watching your life. Preach the gospel every where you go, very rarely using words! When we allow Holy Spirit to flow fully through us; you never know how just one little act of expressing God's love can change a life forever. Being used as a vehicle to extend that touch of the love of God can be sooo deep. When we abide, remain and live in that manifest presence, that place of oneness and intimacy with the Lord, it changes all atmosphere's around you! I'm seeing how my mother's life is changing! She is still not saved YET, but I know by the grace of God, before I leave in September, the fire of God would have totally consumed her heart! For me and MY house (and yours if they all are not already), we are going to serve the Lord! Thank you Papi!
Saturday 15th June 2008
So I was on the way home from Hammersmith. As I walked on the platform to wait for the train, I see three boys, looking all 'thugged out'. I wasn't threatened by them, why would I be, I'm with the biggest and strongest armies! Holy Spirit tells me to go stand by them, so I did. I asked Holy Spirit what He wanted me to do. As I was getting the download the train arrived. I strategically sat near them so that I could do as I was told! Well, there were some boys that were already on the train, who had very nicely made a disgrace of the train floor with Flem! The boys I got on with, got up and moved when they realized that the boys had also kindly decorated the seats with their body fluid!! As they moved Holy Spirit told me to go stand with them, so, you guessed it, I did! I stood by a young man, and started up a conversation. I asked if he had been thinking about buying and selling houses, he was like "yeah". I then asked him if the name Adrian meant anything to him. The look on his face was a Kodak moment! I asked him if I was freaking him out! Kodak moment number 2! I asked him and 'his boyz' which one of you is called Adrian, the initial young man said "it's me". Belieeeeeve me I was as surprised as he was! At that time Holy Spirit opened up a vision and had me explain it to him, with some further downloads and encouragement to come back to Him. It was awesome. I felt lead to encourage him perhaps in his quiet time, he could recommit his life to the Lord, as he had grown up saved, but drifted away! I felt a Holy Spirit tug, and proceeded to ask him if he wanted to recommit now! We were one stop away from his stop, when he replied yes!! We did the prayer, he was reconciled to the Lord, all on the way to a rave with his boys! Come on Jesus!!!!
So... last Tuesday (June 3rd), a neighbour came over to visit! She walks and sits around the kitchen table! We are having a conversation, while I am having one in my head, trying to figure out if I have enough faith to pray for her blind eyes! I'm suddenly bombarded with these thoughts of "well perhaps if other students were here then maybe" and "I think she won't wan.." when my speech interrupted my thoughts and I caught myself saying "God wants to heal you right now!" On the inside I was screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Holy Spirit you made me say that LOL!! you are going to have to follow through!!"
Anyhow I sucked it up and asked her to take of her dark glasses. I told her that I will be commanding her to see light in the name of Jesus! Seconds after the prayer, she points to the window where light was coming from!! I continued praying SUDDENLY, she jumped up! Grabbed me around my neck screaming! I was like, "what is happening right now", she was like "I don't know". It was the power of God! I needed a catcher, believe me! She was now on her back on the kitchen floor! I continued praying. Holy Spirit was doing something!! She stretched her hand up touched and said that she can see the outline of my face!!! All this time (now somewhat believing) Mum was upstairs, she walks in with shock horror on her face as to why our neighbour is on our floor! I explain to Mum what had happened! The look on her face was priceless! So I get Mum in on the prayer!!! Ohhhh if I had a camera! After the prayer neighbour starts to declare, "I feel so much peace, look, I am not stuttering anymore, I feel peaceful! Hold on, look my eyes are open, they are not hurting, and there is no weeping! Ohhhh my gosh, I've never had this! I know how we can test it! Get me some perfume!" (Let me explain some background here. As soon as neighbour takes her glasses off she feels excruciating pain in both eyes, although she was unable to see light they would still react and start to weep. If she comes into contact with either perfume or smoke they eyes get worse. She would usually start rubbing them frantically!) We got the perfume, sprayed it, noooo reaction! She couldn't believe it! She said the ultimate test would be when she goes outside, sooo we went outside! She was freaakinggggg out as she realised she was outside, with NO glasses, NO weeping and NO pain!! YAY GOD!!! She walked from my house to hers (approx 3 mins) with no glasses for the first time ever.
Four days later I went to her house, she testifies of this continued peace that she just doesn't understand! LOL! She tells me that her 2 year old grand daughter usually mocks her previous statement and actions of "oh my eyes hurt, my eyes hurt". She said her grand daughter visited her and seems to be confused as she can no longer partake of the traditionalsaying and action any longer!!! Come onnnnn Holy Spirit!!!
***Watch this space, I will update when she has received complete healing!***