Anyhow I sucked it up and asked her to take of her dark glasses. I told her that I will be commanding her to see light in the name of Jesus! Seconds after the prayer, she points to the window where light was coming from!! I continued praying SUDDENLY, she jumped up! Grabbed me around my neck screaming! I was like, "what is happening right now", she was like "I don't know". It was the power of God! I needed a catcher, believe me! She was now on her back on the kitchen floor! I continued praying. Holy Spirit was doing something!! She stretched her hand up touched and said that she can see the outline of my face!!! All this time (now somewhat believing) Mum was upstairs, she walks in with shock horror on her face as to why our neighbour is on our floor! I explain to Mum what had happened! The look on her face was priceless! So I get Mum in on the prayer!!! Ohhhh if I had a camera! After the prayer neighbour starts to declare, "I feel so much peace, look, I am not stuttering anymore, I feel peaceful! Hold on, look my eyes are open, they are not hurting, and there is no weeping! Ohhhh my gosh, I've never had this! I know how we can test it! Get me some perfume!" (Let me explain some background here. As soon as neighbour takes her glasses off she feels excruciating pain in both eyes, although she was unable to see light they would still react and start to weep. If she comes into contact with either perfume or smoke they eyes get worse. She would usually start rubbing them frantically!) We got the perfume, sprayed it, noooo reaction! She couldn't believe it! She said the ultimate test would be when she goes outside, sooo we went outside! She was freaakinggggg out as she realised she was outside, with NO glasses, NO weeping and NO pain!! YAY GOD!!! She walked from my house to hers (approx 3 mins) with no glasses for the first time ever.
Four days later I went to her house, she testifies of this continued peace that she just doesn't understand! LOL! She tells me that her 2 year old grand daughter usually mocks her previous statement and actions of "oh my eyes hurt, my eyes hurt". She said her grand daughter visited her and seems to be confused as she can no longer partake of the traditionalsaying and action any longer!!! Come onnnnn Holy Spirit!!!
***Watch this space, I will update when she has received complete healing!***
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